Ep. 298 Las Métricas ESG y La Ciberseguridad

La ciberseguridad y las métricas ESG se ha convertido en un tópico muy importante y principal dentro de las empresas de todo nivel. El 19 de Octubre de este año JP Morgan publico en su pagina web un articulo ¿Por qué la Ciberseguridad es importante para los marcos ESG?. Este artículo menciona que el gasto…

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Ep. 295 Removing Carbon Emissions From Business Travel

Perhaps one of the most significant contributors to emissions is business travel. According to the World Economic Forum, employee travel is one of the world’s most significant contributors to carbon emissions; here are a few reasons. The prevalence of business travel by air and car, especially in countries where rail travel isn’t an option. The CO2 footprint…

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Ep. 294 Enabling Sustainable Travel Choices

Across all tourism sectors, companies face increasing pressure to adopt more socially sustainable practices and focus on long-term change. We know that travel and tourism is an industry with many challenges in terms of sustainability and ESG metrics. In terms of ESG, several stakeholders and potential ones now require transparency. Josephine Pipits is the Founder of…

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Ep. 293 Una mirada a las métricas ESG en el Perú

El cambio climático, escasez de agua, contaminación, bienestar de los trabajadores, diversidad de empleados, sobornos, abusos de derechos humanos, escándalos en la cadena de suministro. Sin mencionar las secuelas del COVID-19. Estos son solo algunos de los problemas ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza (ESG) y que están creando oportunidades para corporaciones e inversionistas. Para abordar este…

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Ep. 291 Global Supply Chain Challenges

Nowadays, global supply chain companies are navigating within an unpredictable environment. The global supply chain is a complex network that connects manufacturers, exporters, importers, and providers of rail, road, and maritime transport. Almost 90% of the products traded worldwide use vessels to transport all kinds of merchandise, and 60% are in steel containers. However, part…

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Ep. 288 Climate Actions and Net-Zero in Organizations.

Many governments and companies have to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 to move to a net-zero emissions economy, and in some places around the world, like the UK is a law. To reach these goals, all sizes of organizations should implement, analyze, and work on R&D on climate and interactions with societies, customers, shareholders,…

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