Ep. 279 La alta gestión de equipos interculturales

Según el portal Amity – Gestión Cultural, cada organización tiene raíces históricas en un país determinado y es esta cultura nacional la que proporciona el contexto en el que ha dado forma a su cultura organizativa. En la era en la que la globalización es la norma, las organizaciones tienen operaciones, así como clientes y…

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Ep. 278 Investing in Africa

To invest in Africa, you have to know the continent well, innovation processes, opportunities, markets, and, most importantly, the entrepreneurs. According to Disrupt Africa more than 300 African tech startups have raised more than US$1.1 billion combined so far in 2021, the first time the sector has broken the US$1 billion mark – and with…

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Ep. 277 Workplace Burnout

Surely among your network of contacts, work colleagues, family members, you have already heard the phrase: «I am exhausted,» «I am stressed.» We know that part of this situation was caused by COVID 19, which changed how we work. Some people work from home with limitations due to spaces, uncomfortable desks and chairs, internet signal…

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Ep. 276 Is It The Right Time to Return to The Office?

According to Harvard Business Review, more than 40% of employees would quit or start looking for new jobs if ordered to be back full time. The article mentioned that employees want to work from home 2.5 days a week on average, according to a monthly survey of 5,000 Americans. Desires to work from home and cut…

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Ep. 275 ESG Opportunities: Innovation and Value Creation

Price Waterhouse Cooper’s Global Chairman, Robert E. Moritz, mentioned in a recent interview about ESG : «There is a reality that the world is going to be demanding information on the role you play in society at large and may come in many forms like investors, employees, business partners, and that reality is now.» This phrase was the…

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