Entradas de Juan Carlos Giraldo
Ep. 238 Cambio en el comportamiento del consumidor en Latino América debido al Coronavirus
Matteo Ceurvels, es analista senior para la región de Latino América de la empresa de investigación y datos eMarketer y Nabil Malouli es el lead de Global Ecommerce strategy & product development en DHL Supply Chain. Ambos me acompañaron para compartir sus puntos de vista de lo que esta ocurriendo en cuanto al ecommerce, retail,…
Leer másEp. 237 Karen Dillon: Innovation and Prosperity
I have read many books by the renowned (RIP) Professor Clayton Christensen, but there are two that I feel play an important role in the life of an entrepreneur and these are «How Will You Measure Your Life?» and «The Prosperity Paradox: How Innovation Can Lift Nations Out of Poverty», which is co-authored by Karen Dillon and African entrepreneur Efosa…
Leer másEp. 236 Raúl Samaniego : El Impacto del Coronavirus en el Supply Chain
Además del daño que el Coronavirus (COVID -19) causa a la salud en los seres humanos y que justamente es por eso que todo el mundo esta en auto aislamiento, tratando de reducir los efectos nocivos de este, hay situaciones paralelas que diferentes sectores están enfrentando como el turismo, hoteles, restaurantes, por nombrar algunos. Sin…
Leer másEp. 235 Dr. Ami Bhatt: The Power of Telemedicine
According to Forbes, 8 Predictions will disrupt healthcare in 2020 and will define the next 12 to 18 months for this industry. Telehealth will gain mainstream adoption in the overall mix of healthcare services and will expand beyond the current focus on chronic conditions. Forbes projects that by the end of 2020, progressive health systems…
Leer másEP. 234 A Conversation With The Journalist Sarah Green Charmichael
One of my favorite podcast has always been Harvard Business Review’s IdeaCast, which Sarah Green Charmichael hosted for many years. I had the opportunity to meet Sarah here in Boston in 2019 and she kindly accepted my invitation to be a guest on my podcast. Sarah Green Carmichael is an editor with Bloomberg Opinion. She was…
Leer másEp. 233 Let’s Have More Uncomfortable Conversations at the Workplace With Sarah Beaulieu
In October of 2017, American actress Alyssa Milano posted on Twitter, «If all the women who have been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote ‘Me too’ as a status, we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem». Sexual harassment isn’t only in the corporates or big organizations it is present in all…
Leer másSerial Estrategia Go Local (III) Go Local Lab
Este es el episodio final de este primer serial en nuestro podcast en el que abordamos el tema de las Estrategias Go Local con los colegas de Pulsoline, empresa especializada en este tema con base en República Checa y Chile y liderada por sus co-fundadores Christian Gallardo y Carlos Soto. En este episodio hablamos de…
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