Ep. 288 Climate Actions and Net-Zero in Organizations.

Many governments and companies have to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 to move to a net-zero emissions economy, and in some places around the world, like the UK is a law. To reach these goals, all sizes of organizations should implement, analyze, and work on R&D on climate and interactions with societies, customers, shareholders,…

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EP. 286 Oportunidades del Green Management en Latino América

Más empresas están abrazando el green management y la región de Latino América no es la excepción, muchas empresa buscan el reducir o eliminar procesos que se sabe que son perjudiciales para el medio ambiente. Vengo leyendo un interesante libro titulado Net Positive, How Courageous Companies Thrive by Giving More Than They Take, escrito por…

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Ep. 275 ESG Opportunities: Innovation and Value Creation

Price Waterhouse Cooper’s Global Chairman, Robert E. Moritz, mentioned in a recent interview about ESG : «There is a reality that the world is going to be demanding information on the role you play in society at large and may come in many forms like investors, employees, business partners, and that reality is now.» This phrase was the…

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Ep. 272 A Perspective of ESG Metrics in Business

I think everything related to ESG metrics is fascinating in the business world. Every day, we see, heard, and read about the effects of climate change, different situations caused by COVID-19, supply chain crisis, social movements, all vaccination processes in the world, new ways to work, new urban design, etc. and how some organizations have…

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Ep. 261 Conociendo los pilares ESG

A medida que el mundo se esta preocupado más por combatir problemas generalizados como el cambio climático y la injusticia social, el movimiento ambiental, social y de gobernanza (ESG) ha ganado impulso para garantizar que las empresas estén haciendo su parte, informando de manera transparente a los inversores, empleados, consumidores y partes interesadas de los…

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