Ep. 230 Conversation with David M. Scott and Reiko Scott about their book Fanocracy: Fans into Customers and Customers into Fans
What is Fanocracy for you ?
According to web page www.fanocracy.com we can define Fanocracy :
The most powerful marketing force in the world isn’t social media, email blasts, search ads, or even those 15 second commercials before a YouTube video. It’s fandom. And the good news? Fandom isn’t just for celebrities anymore! It can be rocket fuel for any business or nonprofit that chooses to focus on inspiring and nurturing true fans. Fanocracy means turning fans into customers and customers into fans. Fanocracy means an organization that puts the needs and wishes of fans ahead of every other priority.

I am a big FAN of David Meerman Scott, I read many of his books that inspired me to improve my marketing skills, I met him IRL here in Boston.
He just launched a new book Fanocracy: Turning Fans into Customers and Customers into Fans.
But this book has something very particular, the co-author is his daughter Reiko Scott, both were working for almost five years writing this book that now is a reality.
It was a pleasure met again with David and Reiko at Brookline Book Smith a premier independent bookstore in Coolidge Corner in Boston Area and record a nice episode for my podcast to talk about their book.
Thank you, David and Reiko and congrats for the book.
You can reach Reiko Scott and David M. Scott in the following links :
Twitter : @Allison_Reiko
Twitter: @DMScott