Ep. 237 Karen Dillon: Innovation and Prosperity

I have read many books by the renowned (RIP) Professor Clayton Christensen, but there are two that I feel play an important role in the life of an entrepreneur and these are «How Will You Measure Your Life?» and «The Prosperity Paradox: How Innovation Can Lift Nations Out of Poverty», which is co-authored by Karen Dillon and African entrepreneur Efosa…

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Ep. 230 Conversation with David M. Scott and Reiko Scott about their book Fanocracy: Fans into Customers and Customers into Fans

What is Fanocracy for you ? According to web page www.fanocracy.com we can define Fanocracy : The most powerful marketing force in the world isn’t social media, email blasts, search ads, or even those 15 second commercials before a YouTube video. It’s fandom. And the good news? Fandom isn’t just for celebrities anymore! It can…

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